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Simplify the job application process with MaxOfJob

Manage your job applications in one place: store application info, track interview step details, add questions and notes to each step, monitor overall statistics, and more.

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MaxOfJob - Simplify the job application process with MaxOfJob | Product Hunt
Boost your job application journey

The MaxOfJob journey

Explore the evolution of MaxOfJob: from scattered Spreadsheets to a streamlined platform.

The spark

We’ve felt the job search chaos — months of applications, countless spreadsheets, and notes. We knew there had to be a better way.

MaxOfJob Platform
A simple solution

What if we could put everything in one place? So, we built MaxOfJob — a simple platform to help you keep track of your job applications and prepare for interviews.

Try it out

We invite you to try out our latest release! To mark this milestone, we're offering it for free – no cost involved! Plus, we're continuously developing exciting new features, so stay tuned!

Get Started Today for FREE!

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